Hvad er VPN Split Tunneling (Danish/Dansk)

Hvad er VPN Split Tunneling?

De fleste VPN forbindelser sender normalt alt trafik videre fra klient computeren til VPN serveren gennem VPN Tunnelen. Split Tunneling er en opdelingen mellem Internet trafik og virksomhed/kommune trafik. Derved er det kun trafik tiltænkt specifikt til virksomhedsnetværket, som passere gennem VPN tunnel. Dette giver en mindre belastning på internetforbindelsen og ligeledes en bedre oplevelse for brugeren, da deres egen Internet forbindelse derved anvendes, når der surfes på nettet.

Split Tunneling konfigureres normalt på klient siden til at modtage "Statiske Route", men dette er som udgangspunkt ikke muligt i et Windows VPN miljø. Der bliver kun leveret de standard statiske routes, som skal til for at klienten kan kommunikere med virksomhedsnetværket..

Klienten kan manuelt få sin routningstabel opdateres via en tilføjelse hertil. Dette vil bliver gennemgået i næste video







Remote Access VPN and a Twist on the Dangers of Split Tunneling



Næste video 

I denne næste video optagelse vil der være en gennemgang af følgende

  • Styring af trafikken gennem brugen af "Windows Routes"
  • Omdirigering af ALT trafik til VPN tunnelen
  • Validering af trafikken flyder den korrekt vej


YouTube Video Test

 Testing my lastest YouTube support on my blog Laughing



The mystery about the failing DirectAccess wizard

For some weeks ago I visted a new customer to perform a deployment of a very simpel DirectAccess installation. Everything seemed fine the PKI was in place and I though it only would take a couple of hours to deploy and test..... I was so wrong.....

I completed the DirectAccess configuration using the Remote Access Management console for Windows 2012 (MMC) and kicked off the deployment. The deployment keeps failing with the description:

"Security Group domain\SecuritGroup cannot be found"

"The operation failled. All of the specified security groups are invalid"

After a lot of troubleshooting I found that the FRS didn't replicate the newly created Group Policy and when the wizard got to the section where it should add the security Group with the computer objects It couldn't add the security Group to the GPO. For that reason it seems to be performing a rollback. The customer is currently working on fixing the issue. I just spend a lot of time on the troubleshooting so I though I would share it.

The GPO may appear in the Group Policy Management console for a short time before it disappears again due to the rollback


If would have found the solution or anything that may help others please comment on this thread

Check the FRS:


 Another thing that might be causing this issue is possible name lookup issue.

I have not had the time to perform a deeper analysis of the issue, but I'll share my findings at a later time.


Recovering from a deleted GPO

You will find a similar error discription when some have deleted the GPO.

"Remote Access Management will display the following error message: GPO <GPO name> cannot be found. To remove the configuration settings, take the following steps"

Source: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj134148.aspx#bkmk_1_7_GPOs



Microsoft Planning TMG and UAG Updates for Exchange 2013


Microsoft is working on issuing future update releases for its Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) and Unified Access Gateway (UAG) products, mostly to help with publishing Exchange 2013.






Microsoft Forefront TMG 2010 - Connect to Windows Azure Network

 Hi Guys,

Se my video on how to configure the site-to-site connection between Windows Azure Network and the Microsoft Forefront TMG server. 


