Everything looked like it successed without any errors. The Site status was all green and the sms provider had no problems accessing the ConfMgr database, but sometime after the customer began to experience problems with the site not allow for PXE and Software advertisements.
As part of the task of moving the databse the SMS installation will automatically kickstart the "Perform site maintenance or reset this site" which changes the installation by running a Microsoft Installer "Change Installation" task that uses the Configuration Manager install role MSI packages to reconfigure the installation. One of these is the MP.msi which installs the ConfMgr Management Point. Sometime this fails on Windows 2008 servers due BITS not being configuration correctly.
The reconfiguration actually brakes the Management Point which results in the errors below.
You get the following failure in the mpsetup.log:
mp.msi exited with return code: 1603
Backing up drive:\program files\Microsoft Confgiuration Manager\logs\mpMSI.log to Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\mpMSI.log LastError
Fatal MSI Error - mp.msi could not be installed.
You get the following failure in the smsts.log (Windows PE log):
"No MP Certificate"